Accreditation - Quality standards in data analytics and machine learning
Do., 18. Feb.
|Zoom meeting
Members-only. You can help shape and establish the quality standard for the data profession.

Time & Location
18. Feb. 2021, 19:00 – 20:00 MEZ
Zoom meeting
About the event
"Data is the hidden critical infrastructure of our world. We ought to be asking whether the people who are designing, building, and maintaining it are professionally qualified to do the job, and how they can prove it."
Rebecca George OBE, President - BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT (July 2020)
We discuss worldwide efforts at establishing quality assurance and trust in data analytics and machine learning. We look at establishing a new quality standard.
“The action and process of recognizing a data professional as being qualified to perform her or his profession to the highest quality standards.”