Collaborate with AI Guild Accredited Leaders
Use cases in production
in 3 months or less.
2700+ Specialists

The combination of Accredited Leaders and experienced industry specialists means that solutions for use case deployment are only a phone call away.
100+ Use Cases

Work with the AI Guild for an independent assessment to ensure technical excellence and optimize business impact.
DAX: ZAL. E-Commerce platform powered by one of Europe's largest data teams with 300+ practitioners.
Data infrastructure, deployment, and use cases
Raising ML Standards in a Big Organization
An ML Orchestration Platform
Machine Learning Workflows in Production
Continuous Delivery for Machine Learning
Building an Adaptive Large-Scale Recommender System
Automated A/B Geo testing for Marketing

NYSE: OEC. Produces Black Carbon in 60+ Production Lines across 16 Factories in Asia, the Americas, and Europe.
Evaluation, data infrastructure and team growth for the following use cases
Predictive Maintenance
Predictive Quality
Sales & Operations Planning Process
Price Negotiation Tool
Procurement and Supply Chain
Typical investment €60-150k
Use Cases
We evaluate independently
Assess the technical quality.
Productionize use cases for business value.
The highest standard: Utilize AI Guild specialists for the best result.
Integrated infrastructure
Independent architecture design for a functioning use case workflow.
Build data products for revenue and savings.
Compare and contrast with AI Guild use case insights for the best solution.
Continuous bottom-line impact
Guidance on faster and better deployment based on your requirements.
On-demand solution implementation and customization.
Have industry-leading applications by leveraging the AI Guild experience.
Productivity gains
Support for automation and new approaches to raising productivity.
Be more agile by utilizing GenAI with small teams and SMEs.
Achieve AI literacy across your company by collaborating with AI Guild leaders.